Health Care: ORPEA GROUP

Huge value was lost in SECONDS...

Financial risks are substantial and will increase with new EU regulations.

To improve and regain ORPEA’s reputation in ESG, we suggest some potential initiatives.

Learn more about the ORPEA Use Case

Overview: Coffee Market

Focus on Illy

Distribution of posts and engagement per post by platform 

Compared to non ESG publications, ESG content is mainly centralized on media and websites, but they generate little engagement per post.

ESG on engaging platforms like Instagram and Facebook generate 3 times more engagement per post (318 and 68 vs. 105 and 17.5 respectively) = Missed opportunities.

Lavazza's engaging campaign 

The “LearnToDream” project as part of the “Blend for Better” campaign to promote sustainability.

This campaign enabled Lavazza to stand out in this analysis, doubling its two competitors in reach and engagement.

Where the high reach of ESG publications is common to all 3 companies, Lavazza's engagement is the most striking, more than 5 points higher than the second brand (7.23% - 2.02%).

You can read the full study on our blog by clicking here.

If you find this analysis relevant and would like to know more, please don't hesitate to contact us! 👉

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